The Caskey Family

Happy Half-Birthday Merry Anna!
June 26, 2007, 9:05 pm
Filed under: Merry

Praise God for six beautiful months with our daughter and sister Merry!


Bargain of the Week
June 26, 2007, 9:02 pm
Filed under: Funny

Thank you all for your sweet comments – Jeremy is so kind in his words! All I can say is that God has been very gracious to me!

This blog is for my bargain-hunting-hero herself, Joy. . . this week’s was found at a Christian bookstore in a ritzy shopping center down the road from where we are staying. I went in to use my $10 off coupon I got in the mail. . . and had to take a picture.



June 25, 2007, 2:33 am
Filed under: Adina

Jeremy writes,
The Good Lord in heaven has blessed me in abundance with an incredible helpmate in Adina. I have had very little homework on this past three day weekend and had time to think of the taste of heaven God has given me here on earth in her. She is a picture of Christ to me. Here are just a few of the things that I love about this superwoman…

Adina has been sleeping on a couple of sleeping bags hear in Maryland just so that she and the kids can be near me during my cross-training. I join them on weekends, and they usually drive up mid-week for dinner and a walk. She cooks with a minimum amount of supplies and appliances. If she wants to sit, she sits on her sleeping bag. Never does she complain. I had to get her (more likely for me) a foam egg carton mattress pad to make it more accommodating. As a farm girl, Adina knows how to rough it. Growing up with 7 siblings, she knows how to do without. I am thankful for my hearty girl.

For any of you who knows Adina well, you know how internet savvy she is. She usually spends at least an hour a day: paying bills, e-mailing loved-ones, posting blogs, researching anything and everything from school curriculum for the kids some day to our next big purchase (vehicle, etc.). All that to say, Adina has made a tremendous sacrifice in this area as she only is able to get on the internet on the weekends when I bring my laptop. I appreciate how she has maximized her limited time. She’s even found time to research birthday/graduation gift for me (can’t wait to see what it is!).

Adina, aka “Queen of the Garage-Salers,” aka “Baroness of Bargains,” is incredible at saving us money. I’ll only highlight her most recent find – our new van. She looked hard to find it. I am so thankful for it – it’s been really useful during this vagabond summer.

Always one to pinch pennies, Adina has prepared several picnics for us as we are either out for the day or if they’re visiting me. It’s saved my wallet and belly from eating food out.

I am very thankful for how diligent Adina has been in keeping up with her Proverbs study. This little Proverbs 31 woman has been so encouraging to me spiritually with her copious note taking and scriptural insight. She spurs me on to spiritual maturity. I have been running us ragged on Sundays traveling on the Metro and by foot down to Capitol Hills Baptist Church. In my zeal I may have been thinking about what’s best for us theologically, but perhaps not practically or realistically. Adina (submissively) suggested we try our old church, First Baptist Church of Upper Marlboro. We were at a much different point in our lives spiritually when we were members (ages 21, 22 respectively), so I was a little hesitant. But we did, and it was sound. The pastor unpacked Romans 9. I can’t wait to hear the rest. Providentially, we happened to attend on “Homecoming Day” – where several old members came back. We didn’t attend this church for very long and didn’t put down many roots – but it was neat to be asked to stand if you were once a member here. After service they had a huge picnic/barbecue on the grounds. It was great. I am thankful for Adina’s suggestion. She is an incredible helpmate.

Adina has done a magnificent job in raising the kids virtually on her own while I attend school. I am so thankful to have a wife who values keeping our family together, no matter what the aforementioned sacrifices. Adina left friends, church, and home comforts to keep us together, and I am eternally grateful. God has blessed me in abundance with two wonderful children and a mother who values their father more than her felt needs or their playmates. It’s hard to not write this without wanting to cry. What an incredible blessing to have them here!

Selfless is her watchword. If I haven’t already said it she only thinks of others. I offered to send her down the road this weekend while I watched the kids for her to get a Swedish massage at a spa. She turned it down, saying that she wanted to save money for my birthday gift. Her actions make me ask myself if I’m that selfless towards her. Not always. I am blessed by her. She is quick to ask me how I am doing and how my class is. Truthfully, I’d rather just hear what she and the kids are doing.

Leave a comment and let Adina know what she means to you. She only checks this on weekends and could use a word of encouragement. She looks forward to the weekends when she can check the blog and see who’s posted a comment. Share a story or just send an encouraging word. That’s one other big thing she has sacrificed this summer by being here with me – family and friends. We love you!

Photos as promised!
June 23, 2007, 4:12 pm
Filed under: family news

In case you all need us, you can reach us by phone at 301-741-9019

Here are some of our favorite latest activities. . . feeding the birds, watching movies with dada, hugging Mimi and spending time with dada (can you tell we like to be with dada!?)

The house is our beautiful summer house! Anyone needing a house in DC, Maryland suburb?! This one is for sale and georgeous!!


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Three-Day Weekend
June 22, 2007, 7:18 pm
Filed under: family news

Jeremy has a 3-day weekend and I get away at a closeby Panera Bread for their free internet! Yeah! We just found out that Jeremy’s computer that he’s had for many years has wireless. Don’t we feel silly!

It is so good to keep in touch with you all by internet through this site. Thank you for all your posts. We miss you all so much!

Merry is now eating banana, apple, and today. . . oatmeal! She’s such a big girl! Oh yeah, and she got her first sippy cup. Elijah is talking in 3-5 word sentences and asking for things he wants even more, now that his vocabulary has expanded. He even asks for you all back home by name! He loves to sport his Nebraska hat and we are proud to represent the Midwest out here in the brutally unfriendly BIG city!! We do miss home, but it is so worth it to be here near Jeremy.

Speaking of Jeremy, he got an incredible compliment from his MARINE instructor and it reflects his terrific standing in the class. He is doing so well and definitely doing more than just keeping his head above water in this course. Learning a lot, but that is good. I’m so glad God is in charge of this change in his and our lives – it is definitely not what we would have picked ourselves, but as I’ve said before. . . IT IS GOOD!!

When I get more time, I will try to post some things from my Proverb’s study (I do miss my friends there who are working through this study with me!)

We love you all and will keep you posted. . . I have some pics hopefully for next time. I know you all are dying to see the great one of Merry in her first chokehold (lovingly performed by her big brother, of course!) She is so Merry!

Midweek update & Josh in Iraq
June 21, 2007, 1:45 am
Filed under: family news

Thank you all for the comments – we feel at least somewhat in touch with the real world that way! We are still enjoying our time in the DC area and are tentatively planning to stay until Jeremy graduates from his course, then we will all drive back home together. Then the wonderful world of packing up a house again begins!

We were able to hear Mark Dever preach at Capitol Hills Baptist Church on Sunday for Father’s Day. Elijah and Merry gave Jeremy a card that we made together and he and Daddy shared the Good and Plenty “canny” we gave him.

Praise God, Jeremy’s brother Joshua (serving as a Marine in Iraq) survived a recent suicide bomber attack on their compound. He sustained some injuries, but they were not serious enough to keep him from going out on a new mission today! In other family news, Roseann’s husband returned a few days ago from the Middle East.

We will post pics again soon. Highlights of our days have included a library trip, feeding ducks and geese at the pond on Fort Meade and playing in the sprinkler. Merry is getting more vocal and turning over and scooting around all over. She loves bananas!

Happy Father’s Day Tech Sergeant Select Caskey (E-6)
June 15, 2007, 9:43 pm
Filed under: family news

Congratulations to my sweet husband, Jeremy on being selected to be promoted to the rank of E-6 and on graduating from college! Yeah! He’s worked so hard the last few years, what is he going to do with himself now?! Thanks for being such an amazing dad even though you juggle so many other things! We love you!!

Here are some of the long-promised pictures. . . Us under a palm tree in Florida where we started our journey and in DC in front of the Capitol on Elijah’s birthday!  Elijah and  Merry with Aunt Risa and Uncle Jonathan in South Carolina.  Also, Merry is giving her first hug to her first girl cousin Lumina Joy. . . my sister Roseann is due with her first baby in July – Merry and her will be about 6 months apart!

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Three Incredible Blessings
June 15, 2007, 10:35 am
Filed under: Jeremy

Jeremy writes,
It has been an amazing week! By God’s sovereign grace we have accomplished three milestones – some of which were years in the making – others more recent.

1. I made Technical Sergeant this year! After missing the cutoff by one point last year I made it this year. I’m nowhere close to being a rich man (monetarily), but feel like it anyway with the additional money, authority, etc. Exciting!

2. After ten years in the making I finished my Bachelors degree too! I still needed two additional credits to graduate, but asked if my military credits towards my new job I’m taking may apply (Video Broadcasting). I have had my nose so firmly pressed to the grind stone on this I didn’t even think that these new credits may apply. I had planned to take an independent study this summer. Thanks to my 84 year old Grandma who had the sense to ask if this military class I was taking this summer applied towards my degree. I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks Grandma! After ten years I should be a doctor!

3. On a smaller scale, but still a big deal for me, I made it through the first functional area of Video Broadcasting: Basic Writing and Announcing Skills. I did well in writing and wasn’t as concerned with that portion. I was however, concerned with passing Announcing Skills (where you read news copy in a sound booth to an instructor). I knew going in that I needed a lot of work on my speaking skills. I tend to talk fast and low, and mush my words. The class taught me to slow down, articulate, breathe properly, and overemphasize word endings and meaning-laden words. I squeaked by and have significantly improved – according to Adina and my Mom and Grandma, who all have trouble understanding me.

Praise be to God for great things he has done. It is only by His will and mercy that I was able to do any of these things. It feels great to be done with the first two. I feel like Christian in Pilgrims Progress who just had his load taken off his back. I know what I went through was no where as serious as that (Christian’s load was his sin, mine was already taken from Christ), but it’s a fitting picture none the less.

Happy Birthday Elijah!
June 13, 2007, 3:48 pm
Filed under: Elijah, Merry

Elijah celebrated his second birthday on the Washington DC mall and now says “happy biday” to everyone he meets (I guess he thinks it’s like hello, or something!) His favorite part of DC so far is the ducks, squirrels and dirty fountains he isn’t allowed to climb into! I will post pictures soon – we are not getting to internet but about once a week.

Merry is rolling over lots and pushing up on her knees!!

Made it to Florida
June 6, 2007, 10:58 am
Filed under: family news

Jeremy writes,
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Adina and the kids flew out yesterday and are safely in Florida. Adina’s sister, Naomi flew down from Greenville, SC to pick up our van in Miami and visit her friends (since she once lived there). She drove 30 minutes north to Ft. Lauderdale and picked up Adina and the kids. They drove a few hours north last night before stopping at a hotel.

Keep them in prayers today, because they drive to Greenville, SC to Naomi’s for the night. Adina says the van is really nice! We were fortunate enough to borrow a portable DVD player from the Pavelka’s, so Elijah is able to watch some movies to break up the trip.

Randy Whitman, Jr. is staying at our house in Nebraska this summer to watch the dogs. The Lord provides for all. Randy is home from Moody Bible Institute this summer to be with his parents and siblings and was excited to have a place of his own, to relax and study – away from four younger siblings still at home. We are very thankful for Randy. When I went to Moody’s Founder’s Week earlier this year, my parents and I met up with him for some sessions and lunch – I can still remember that delicious, deep-dish Chicago pizza. Wow!

If you need to get a hold of us, the blog will still be checked and updated regularly, or if you are in Nebraska, feel free to stop by and see Randy.