The Caskey Family

Thirteen Things I’m Thankful for After 13 Years
April 3, 2011, 3:40 pm
Filed under: Adina, family news, Jeremy

Married 13 Years and LOVING it!

1. Staying warm together – Jeremy is much warmer-blooded than me, so we make a good pair: he warms me up, and I cool him off
2. Having a good daddy for our children
3. Growing old is just sweet since I get to grow old with Jeremy
4. Jeremy’s bad eyesight – Though Jeremy’s had eye surgery, and has good vision, he still says I look beautiful in the morning before I climb out of bed.
5. The fun. This could be a whole blog, I’ll save it for another day.
6. Laughing together. The inside jokes and common humor just grows over the years, so the longer we’ve been married, the better it gets
7. The support. No matter what we experience, it’s just so much more tolerable with someone like Jeremy to walk through it with
8. Having a best friend. There’s no one I love and trust more (besides God of course) than my husband
9. Leadership. Jeremy is an amazing leader of our family, and I couldn’t ask for better
10. Changing together. Experiences and time have changed us, and it is a beautiful thing to watch us grow more and more like each other.
11. Kisses, hugs, and other fun expressions of our marriage
12. Having someone to share hardships with. They really are divided with a good friend alongside
13. Living this earthly life with a godly man who I will share eternity with. This life is short, but for me, there’s been no sweeter gift than to be able to live the last 13 years of it with Jeremy. . .for the glory of God.