The Caskey Family

Week Two and Still Loving it
January 22, 2012, 8:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Events of this week included our first couples counseling session, a full “normal” week for Jeremy of study, administrative and community activities and finally, today, a “regular” church service and an open house this afternoon for our neighbors. A couple of families from Elijah’s class came, and a few from church, but we were pleasantly surprised at our neighborhood turnout. Over 30 people between 2 and 4PM, some great conversations, beginnings of some relationships, and the last people left around 6PM, two hours past the scheduled time!

Please pray for us, Jeremy is really trying hard to stay healthy, but Micah has been fighting something, and after today with all the interactions with people, I’m not feeling so great, my voice is almost gone.

We are blessed. As always, thank you for praying for us. Please keep praying! God is so good, and we plead for his continued favor, mercy and blessing on the work here.